Getting Your Business Webpage Made: A Tip to NOT Get Overcharged

Austin Small Businesses: Tip to NOT Get Overcharged by avoiding being charged on a per page basis

Our first blog entry at Austin webpages gives you a tip to not get overcharged. When you go online to find a web page designer, like, you will eventually be looking at pricing. Every business out there has a goal of maximizing their profits, which is fine. But many website development companies will take advantage that a local business owner isn’t a website expert.

Here is an example of something we see everywhere:

Tips to not get overcharged - Example of tier pricing

Tips to not get overcharged – Example of tier pricing

The web design company (I will keep it anonymous) are charging you per page. My peers in this business will hate me for saying the truth – this is a complete rip off. There is little difference between one page and five.

First, it is very difficult for any website development company to be experts at every type of business out there – i.e. a web developer is going to know about webpages. They aren’t going to know about your restaurant business, your law firm or your plumbing business. So you, the business owner, is going to have to provide all the readable content to put on the website, and the website developers should be reviewing it and giving some opinions before publishing the content.

So…since you are essentially giving them the content, and the website developers are mostly giving you direction, what is the difference between one page or five? The truth is, there isn’t much of a difference. Most website developers in 2013 are able to create additional pages quickly, as scaling and time is important, as in any business. They are going to copy and paste.

Yes, a website developer isn’t going to want to make 100 pages for you and not charge more, but that is a conversation that should come up when you discuss how to present your business on a website. Most small businesses can be anywhere between 5 and 15 pages. Your business would benefit far better in paying more for customer related features than having to sink money in a tiered pages business model.

In the example above…ask yourself this…what webpage have you seen that is only 1 page? Contact us today to get your website done  for your small business without getting charged for each page.